5 Signs God is Preparing You for a Major Breakthrough

So you want to know if God is preparing you for a major breakthrough? In this article, I’ll give you five signs that God is indeed getting ready to do something big in your life.
But before we get to the signs, let’s first understand what a breakthrough is.
What is a Breakthrough?
A breakthrough is simply a sudden, dramatic, and unexpected advancement or success in something. It’s a major turning point that opens up new possibilities and opportunities.
As a Christian, a breakthrough is often something that God does in your life to bless you, heal you, or help you in some way. It’s a supernatural intervention that brings hope, joy, and lasting change.
Put simply:
A breakthrough is when God shows up and does something amazing in your life!
“immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)
This means that God is always ready and willing to do more in our lives than we could ever ask or imagine. He is always looking for ways to bless us, heal us, and help us.
Signs God is Preparing You for a Major Breakthrough
Have you been praying and waiting on the Lord to do something in your life? Here are signs that God is preparing you for a major breakthrough.
1. You’re in a season of waiting

One of the signs that your breakthrough is coming is that you’re currently in a season of waiting. You may feel like you’ve been waiting for a long time, but God often uses the waiting period to prepare us for what’s ahead.
Think about it:
If you were about to go on a long journey, wouldn’t you take the time to prepare for it? To pack your bags, check your map, and make sure you have everything you need for the journey ahead?
In the same way, God often uses the season of waiting to prepare us for something great He has for us. He uses it to teach us, grow us, and strengthen us.
2. You’ve been facing challenges
God may allow you to face challenges and difficulties in your life as a way of getting you ready for your breakthrough.
It sounds strange, but it’s true.
The challenges you face can actually help to prepare you for what’s ahead. They can help to build your character, develop your faith, and give you the strength you need to persevere.
For instance, the Bible tells us that Joseph faced many challenges in his life before he finally had his breakthrough. He was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused of a crime, and thrown into prison.
But all of these challenges helped to prepare Joseph for the great things God had in store for him.
They helped to develop his character and give him the strength he needed to endure.
Maybe you’re facing some challenges right now. Maybe you’re going through a tough time at work, struggling in your relationship, or dealing with some other difficulty.
If so, don’t be discouraged. Your breakthrough is coming in the midst of your suffering.
3. Your hunger for God’s presence has increased

Another sign that God is preparing you for a breakthrough is an increased hunger for His presence.
Yes, we are all supposed to hunger for God’s presence. But sometimes, our hunger for Him increases even more as we sense that a blessing is coming.
If you find yourself wanting to spend more time in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible, it could be a sign that God is getting ready to do something new and exciting in your life.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)
4. You’re being obedient
The Bible is clear that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). And while it can be difficult to stay faithful, God always rewards those who are obedient to Him.
How can you tell if you’re being obedient? One way is to ask yourself if you’re doing everything you know God has called you to do.
For instance, are you reading your Bible regularly? Are you taking care of your family? Are you working hard and being a good steward of what God has given you?
If you are obedient in the small things, God will entrust you with bigger things (Luke 16:10).
Believe it or not, God has a plan for your life—and He will use whatever it takes to get your attention and help you stay on track.
5. You’re seeing God’s faithfulness

If you believe in God, you know that He is faithful. But sometimes, we need a little reminder of His faithfulness in our lives.
When you’re on the verge of a breakthrough, God will often show you His faithfulness in new and powerful ways. He wants you to know that He is with you and that He will never leave you.
One of the ways God shows His faithfulness is by bringing people into your life who will encourage and support you. These people will often come into your life at just the right time and say just the right things.
God will also show you His faithfulness by providing for your needs.
If you’re in need of a job, He will open the right doors. If you’re in need of healing, He will provide the resources you need to get well.
No matter what you’re facing, God will show Himself faithfully. And when He does, it’s a sure sign that your blessing is coming.
Final thoughts
Do you see any of these signs in your life? If so, get ready for a breakthrough! God is getting ready.
Your story is not over yet. God has great things in store for you.
If you sense that a major breakthrough is coming, don’t be afraid. Embrace it.
Get excited about what God is going to do. And get ready to see His power and faithfulness in your life like never before.
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